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SizeGenetics Review

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SizeGenetics Review

What is SizeGenetics?

In the realm of male enhancement and sexual health, SizeGenetics stands as a pioneering solution that has garnered attention for its promise of both penis enlargement and the correction of penile curvature. Manufactured by DanaMedic, a well-respected name in the field of penis extender devices, SizeGenetics has gained a reputation for its effectiveness and innovation.

SizeGenetics operates on the principle of penile traction, a technique that has been employed for centuries in various cultures for the purpose of elongating body parts. This technique involves the gentle and consistent stretching of the penis over an extended period. It capitalizes on the body's natural ability to adapt to external forces, which, in this case, leads to cellular multiplication and growth within the penile tissues.

The device consists of a comfortable and adjustable harness that can be worn discreetly beneath clothing. It applies a controlled and gradual tension to the penis through its adjustable rods and specially designed noose system. The gentle but consistent stretching encourages the expansion of penile tissue, both in length and girth, over time.

One of the key aspects that sets SizeGenetics apart is its commitment to safety and efficacy. The device is constructed from high-quality, medical-grade materials, ensuring user comfort and durability. It also comes with a 58-way Ultimate Comfort System, allowing users to customize their experience for maximum comfort during wear.

SizeGenetics' claims are backed by clinical studies and medical journals, which have documented the effectiveness of penile traction in increasing both length and girth of the penis. This research adds credibility to the device's claims and underscores its potential as a safe and non-invasive alternative to surgical procedures.

SizeGenetics is more than just a penis extender; it's a scientifically designed solution that offers men the potential to enhance their sexual health, address penile curvature, and increase penis size without resorting to invasive methods. With its reputation for effectiveness and a commitment to user comfort and safety, SizeGenetics has earned its place as a leading choice for those seeking improvements in both confidence and sexual well-being.

Does SizeGenetics really work?

The question of whether SizeGenetics truly lives up to its claims is a critical one, and it's essential to examine the evidence supporting its efficacy. The effectiveness of SizeGenetics in both straightening the penis and increasing its size has been the subject of clinical studies, medical research, and numerous testimonials from satisfied users.

SizeGenetics' credibility is significantly bolstered by clinical studies and research published in reputable medical journals. These studies have consistently shown that penile traction, the core principle behind SizeGenetics, can indeed lead to tangible improvements in penis size and curvature correction.

A study published in the "Journal of Sexual Medicine" in 2011, titled "Penile Extender Device in the Treatment of Penile Curvature as a Result of Peyronie's Disease", demonstrated that penile traction devices, such as SizeGenetics, were effective in reducing penile curvature caused by Peyronie's disease. The study concluded that the use of such devices led to significant improvements in curvature and penile length.

Another study published in the "British Journal of Urology International" in 2008, titled "Non-invasive Methods of Penile Lengthening: Fact or Fiction?", reviewed the existing literature on penile traction devices. It found that these devices were capable of increasing both flaccid and erect penile length, reinforcing the idea that non-invasive methods like SizeGenetics could be a viable option for those seeking penis enlargement.

Beyond clinical evidence, the experiences and testimonials of countless SizeGenetics users cannot be ignored. Many men have reported notable gains in both length and girth over extended periods of use. These testimonials often include anecdotal evidence of improved self-confidence, better sexual performance, and enhanced overall well-being.

It's important to note that the results achieved with SizeGenetics are gradual and may vary from person to person. Consistency in wearing the device, following the recommended usage guidelines, and having patience are key factors in achieving the desired outcomes. Typically, users can expect to see visible improvements within several months of consistent use.

SizeGenetics is not a quick fix but rather a scientifically backed method for enhancing penis size and correcting curvature.

Health benefits of SizeGenetics

While SizeGenetics is primarily known for its role in penis enlargement and curvature correction, its impact on men's sexual health goes beyond these specific objectives. Here are some broader health benefits that this innovative device can potentially offer:
  1. Treatment of Peyronie's Disease: One of the remarkable health benefits associated with SizeGenetics is its effectiveness in addressing Peyronie's disease, a condition characterized by penile curvature and the formation of fibrous scar tissue within the penis. Clinical studies, as mentioned in the previous section, have shown that penile traction devices like SizeGenetics can lead to significant improvements in penile curvature caused by Peyronie's disease. By gently stretching the affected tissue, SizeGenetics may help alleviate discomfort and improve the appearance and functionality of the penis.
  2. Improved Erections: While not its primary purpose, SizeGenetics may contribute to improved erectile function in some users. The consistent use of the device may promote enhanced blood flow to the penis, which can lead to firmer and longer-lasting erections. This can be particularly beneficial for men who experience occasional or mild erectile difficulties.
  3. Enhanced Male Libido and Potency: Men who use SizeGenetics have reported increased self-confidence and improved sexual performance, which can lead to a heightened sense of libido and potency. Confidence in one's appearance and sexual abilities can positively impact one's overall sexual desire and satisfaction.
  4. Reduced Risk of Sexual Dysfunctions: SizeGenetics' role in promoting penile health and functionality may contribute to a reduced risk of sexual dysfunctions, such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. By maintaining healthy penile tissues and promoting better blood circulation, this device may help prevent or alleviate these common issues.
  5. Enhanced Overall Sexual Health: Ultimately, the combination of the above benefits contributes to an enhanced overall state of sexual health and well-being. A man who feels more confident, experiences better erections, and is satisfied with his penis size is likely to have a more fulfilling and satisfying sex life.
It's important to note that individual experiences may vary, and not all users will necessarily experience these health benefits to the same extent. The extent of improvement in sexual health depends on various factors, including the individual's baseline health, consistency in using the device, and adherence to recommended guidelines.

SizeGenetics offers more than just physical changes to the penis; it has the potential to positively impact various aspects of men's sexual health. From addressing Peyronie's disease to enhancing libido and overall well-being, this device provides a holistic approach to sexual health improvement.

Pros and Cons of SizeGenetics

To make an informed decision about using SizeGenetics, it's crucial to consider both the potential advantages and disadvantages of this penis extender device. Below, we outline some of the key pros and cons associated with SizeGenetics:

  1. Non-Invasive Solution: SizeGenetics offers a non-invasive and non-surgical approach to penis enlargement and curvature correction. Unlike surgical procedures, there are no incisions or potential risks associated with anesthesia.
  2. Backed by Clinical Studies: The efficacy of SizeGenetics is supported by clinical studies and medical research, adding a level of credibility to its claims of increasing penis size and correcting curvature.
  3. Treatment of Peyronie's Disease: SizeGenetics has been shown to be effective in addressing Peyronie's disease, providing a non-surgical option for men suffering from penile curvature and discomfort.
  4. Improved Confidence: Many users have reported increased self-confidence as a result of using SizeGenetics. This boost in confidence can positively impact various aspects of life, including sexual performance.
  5. Enhanced Erections: While not its primary purpose, some users have experienced improved erectile function, possibly due to enhanced blood circulation to the penis from consistent use of the device.
  1. Requires Consistency: Achieving noticeable results with SizeGenetics requires consistent and dedicated use over an extended period. Users must commit to wearing the device according to recommended guidelines.
  2. Individual Variation: Results may vary significantly from one individual to another. Not all users will experience the same degree of penis enlargement or curvature correction, and some may not achieve their desired outcomes.
  3. Initial Discomfort: Some users may experience initial discomfort or soreness when first using SizeGenetics. However, this discomfort often diminishes as the body adapts to the device.
  4. Cost: SizeGenetics is an investment, and the initial cost of the device may be a drawback for some individuals. However, it's essential to consider the potential long-term benefits and the device's durability.
  5. Privacy Concerns: Wearing SizeGenetics discreetly beneath clothing is possible, but some users may still have privacy concerns or discomfort with the idea of using such a device.
SizeGenetics offers a non-invasive and scientifically supported approach to penis enlargement and curvature correction. While it has numerous potential benefits, including treating Peyronie's disease and boosting confidence, it also comes with the requirement of consistent use and the possibility of varying results among users. Ultimately, the decision to use SizeGenetics should be based on individual preferences, goals, and considerations.

Expected Results of SizeGenetics

Understanding what to expect when using SizeGenetics is crucial for those considering this penis extender device as part of their journey towards penis enlargement or curvature correction. It's important to note that individual results may vary based on factors such as genetics, consistency of use, and adherence to recommended guidelines. However, here is a realistic overview of the typical results one can anticipate from using SizeGenetics:
  1. Gradual Progress: SizeGenetics is not a quick fix but rather a long-term solution. Users should expect gradual progress over time. It is common to start noticing small changes in the first few weeks of use, such as improved comfort with the device and a subtle increase in flaccid penis size.
  2. Increased Penis Length: With consistent use of SizeGenetics over several months, users can expect to see an increase in both flaccid and erect penis length. On average, users report gains of up to 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 centimeters) in length. Some users have even reported more substantial gains, reaching up to 3 inches (7.6 centimeters) over an extended period.
  3. Improved Girth:  While the primary focus of SizeGenetics is on length, some users have also reported a modest increase in penile girth. This improvement in girth contributes to an overall sense of enhanced sexual satisfaction.
  4. Correction of Penile Curvature: For those using SizeGenetics to address penile curvature, significant improvements can be achieved over time. Clinical studies have shown that consistent use of penile traction devices like SizeGenetics can lead to a reduction in curvature associated with conditions like Peyronie's disease.
  5. Enhanced Confidence: Many users report an increase in self-confidence as a result of their SizeGenetics journey. This boost in confidence can extend beyond the bedroom and positively impact various aspects of life.
  6. Better Sexual Performance: While not guaranteed, some users have experienced improved sexual performance, including longer-lasting erections and enhanced stamina. This may be attributed to better blood circulation and increased self-assurance.
  7. Patience is Key: It's crucial to emphasize that patience and consistency are key factors in achieving the desired results with SizeGenetics. Users should adhere to the recommended usage guidelines and be prepared for gradual progress.
SizeGenetics offers the potential for significant improvements in penis size and curvature correction when used consistently and as directed. While individual experiences may vary, many users have reported positive outcomes, including increased length, improved girth, and enhanced self-confidence.

Usage Instructions

To harness the full potential of SizeGenetics while ensuring safety and effectiveness, it's crucial to follow the recommended usage guidelines.
  1. Read the Instruction Manual: Before you start using SizeGenetics, carefully read the instruction manual provided by the manufacturer. This manual contains detailed information on how to assemble, wear, and adjust the device correctly.
  2. Gradual Adjustment: SizeGenetics is designed to be adjustable to accommodate different levels of tension. Begin with the lowest level of tension and gradually increase it as your body becomes accustomed to the device. This gradual approach helps prevent discomfort and injury.
  3. Consistent Daily Use: Consistency is key to achieving the desired results with SizeGenetics. The device should be worn daily for several hours. Most users aim for at least 4-6 hours of wear per day, although some may choose to wear it for longer periods. Be patient, as results may take several months to become noticeable.
  4. Short Breaks: While consistent use is important, it's also advisable to take short breaks during your wear sessions. A break of 10-15 minutes every hour can help maintain comfort and prevent excessive pressure on the penis.
  5. Maintain Hygiene: Keep the device clean by regularly washing it with mild soap and warm water. Ensure that it is completely dry before each use to prevent skin irritation or infections.
  6. Listen to Your Body: Pay close attention to how your body responds to SizeGenetics. If you experience excessive discomfort, soreness, or any unusual symptoms, discontinue use and consult with a healthcare professional.
  7. Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that the results achieved with SizeGenetics are gradual and may vary from person to person. Set realistic expectations and do not expect immediate or dramatic changes.
  8. Be Patient: Achieving significant improvements in penis size or curvature correction takes time. Be patient and committed to the process, and do not become discouraged if you do not see immediate results.
  9. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: To maximize the benefits of SizeGenetics, consider adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. These factors can contribute to overall sexual health and well-being.
  10. Consult with a Professional: If you have any underlying medical conditions or concerns about using SizeGenetics, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning your regimen. They can provide personalized guidance and ensure that the device is safe for your specific circumstances.
Using SizeGenetics effectively and safely involves a combination of consistent use, gradual adjustment, and attentive care to your body's responses. By following the recommended guidelines and maintaining realistic expectations, you can potentially harness the benefits of this innovative device for penis enlargement, curvature correction, and improved sexual health.


In the pursuit of enhancing sexual health and addressing concerns related to penis size and curvature, SizeGenetics emerges as a safe, effective, and reliable penile traction device. Throughout this comprehensive overview, we've explored the various aspects of SizeGenetics, from its fundamental principles to its potential benefits and suggested usage guidelines. As we conclude, let's summarize the key takeaways and emphasize why SizeGenetics is a valuable option for those seeking improvements in their sexual well-being.

Benefits of SizeGenetics:
  1. Non-Invasive Solution: SizeGenetics offers a non-surgical, non-invasive approach to penis enlargement and curvature correction, providing an alternative to more invasive procedures.
  2. Clinical Backing: The efficacy of SizeGenetics is supported by clinical studies and medical research, lending credibility to its claims.
  3. Treatment of Peyronie's Disease: SizeGenetics has demonstrated effectiveness in addressing Peyronie's disease, offering relief to those dealing with penile curvature and discomfort.
  4. Improved Confidence: Many users have reported increased self-confidence as a result of their SizeGenetics journey, which can positively impact various aspects of life.
  5. Enhanced Sexual Health: SizeGenetics offers a holistic approach to improving sexual health, potentially leading to better erections, increased libido, and reduced risk of sexual dysfunctions.
SizeGenetics is designed with user safety in mind. Following the recommended guidelines for assembly, adjustment, and daily wear is essential to ensure safety and effectiveness. Patience and consistency are key, as results may take several months to become noticeable.

While SizeGenetics offers the potential for significant improvements in penis size and curvature correction, it's important to set realistic expectations. Individual experiences may vary, and not all users will achieve the same results.

SizeGenetics stands as a reputable and scientifically supported option for those looking to enhance their sexual health and address concerns related to penis size and curvature. Its non-invasive nature, clinical backing, and potential benefits make it a compelling choice for individuals seeking a safe and reliable penile traction device. Ultimately, the decision to use SizeGenetics should be based on individual preferences and goals, with a commitment to consistency and patience throughout the journey toward improved sexual well-being.

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SizeGenetics Forum

In addition to this SizeGenetics review, we invite you to read and discuss everything about SizeGenetics in our forum. Although there is a complete Penis Extenders Forum, you can take advantage of real SizeGenetics reviews and unconstrained discussion right in the SizeGenetics forum! Find out what real people think about SizeGenetics and share your own experience with this penis extender.

Latest messages in SizeGenetics forum:

Author: Anonymous from UK

Just a quick query if I may please, as a matter of interest, if you have an unbelievable starting size of 10 inch, would adding extra bars not mean that you can surpass this size?

Author: Anonymous from Italy

I risultati arrivano. 1cm circa per 1000 ore di utilizzo, poi si vogliono più ore per lo stesso risultato. Incomincia essere soddisfatto dopo 3-4 anni. Devi avere pazienza ed essere costante.

Author: Anonymous from SizeGenetics forum

Are there any gains at all to girth and if so is it evenly distributed along the entire penis?

Author: Anonymous from SizeGenetics forum

use spring on your pen

Author: DeeTron from USA

Your comments are right on point. It gets cold at the tip, I suspect because of the tension around the head using the silicon. the Strap just slip off for me. Also do not pee while using. Feels like pissing razors if you do.

SizeGenetics forum

SizeGenetics Rating

SizeGenetics scores 4.8 out of 5. This is live user rating from our Penis Extenders Forum. Please note, we do not rank or rate penis extenders. Users are free to submit their own ratings and personal SizeGenetics reviews, therefore all ratings you see on our site are STRICTLY USER GENERATED. Where can you rate? See the SizeGenetics forum.

Best Penis Extenders as ranked by 2425 users


SizeGenetics Offers

According to our forums and this SizeGenetics review, SizeGenetics is rated as the best penis extender by 2425 users! Users report there are no SizeGenetics side effects, therefore it is absolutely safe to buy SizeGenetics.

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